I am hanging up the skates as they say. After 40 years in the entertainment biz I am done.
Not with music writing or recording or even producing but I no longer will pursue this as a vocation only a hobby.
Do I see myself as relevant anymore? Well yes as an archivist of sound definitely. As a producer of quality material yes. As someone with there hands on the pulse of the music industry, nope. Don't understand it anymore. Don't speak the same dialect by any means. I know this that there where those who said the same before me.
I came to terms with this many years ago actually and made peace with it almost immediately. I realized that I could no longer make a POP record because I did not like the way Pop records sounded. Not the music or the songwriting or even the loudness (sort of). It was the dynamics, it has none. All the music has been squeezed to the point of sounding like a car commercial. I just did not speak this language. Do not misunderstand me I am not saying it is wrong or bad or good I am saying I don't know how to or want to do it that way. SO to each their own and exit stage left.
By the way I am selling a lot of gear on reverb.com
See LINK below